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How to operate the LISEN slat cleaner in a proper way?

August 25, 2024

It is very important to operate the LISEN slat cleaner correctly. You can

  • improve the slag removal efficiency
  • significantly reduce the chance of machine failure
  • improve the operator experience
  • effectively save costs

Ensuring that end users operate the LISEN slat cleaner properly involves a combination of clear communications, training, and support. Here are some steps to achieve it.

1. Read the latest version User Manual carefully before operation

The comprehensive User Manual mainly includes

  • Detailed Instructions: provide a user manual with step-by-stepinstructions on how to operate the slat cleaner.
  • Visual Aids: include diagrams, pictures, and link to instructionalvideos.
  • Safety precautions: highlight safety measures and potential hazards.

2. Training Programs
2.1 Hands-on Training: offer in-person training to demonstrate proper use.
2.2 Training Videos: A lot of customers are using LISEN slat cleaner to remove laser slag on flatbed laser cutting machines. Engineers in LISEN create and distribute instructional videos thatusers can refer to anytime. You can refer to the below:

2.2.1 Initial Installing of LISEN Slat Cleaner

2.2 .2 Operation

2.2.3 Highlights of how to operate a LISEN Slat Cleaner

1. Before each job, check whetherthe cutter is loose and make sure it is locked. Loose cutter will result in poor slag cleaning and possible damage to gearbox components!

2. When operating on a high cross-slatsflatbed laser, when the cutter is close to the cross-slats, you need to slightly lift the handle to avoid collision between the cutter and the cross-slats. Collision may cause damage to the gearbox due to the huge impact force.

3. Do not swing left and right when cleaning slag! This will cause serious damage to the gearbox!

4. To the next slat. Lift and place the cutter in the gap between the slats. Push the machine to the most forward suitable position and then align the cutter.

5. Normally, pulling is morelabor-saving and more stable than pushing. When pulling back, you can use your body's backward lean to save effort.

6. Overload is prohibited, the maximumslag width shall not exceed 30mm. Frequent cleaning with low slag application goes easy on the machine and reduces the force to be applied by the operator.
Recommended cleaning interval of once per week if production levels 2 shifts.

7. It is recommended to take a 10-minute break every 40 minutes of work.

8. Add lubricating grease about every 3-6 months according to the User Manual.

9. Recommended use is for 1 slatcleaner to serve 1-3 laser cutting machines under normal use conditions.
In the mean while, you can implement a certification program to ensure users have understood and can correctly operate the equipment.

3. Onboarding Support

  • Initial Setup Assistance: Provide support for the initial setup and first use of the slat cleaner. When the user operates the slat cleaner for the first time, LISEN will ask them to take a few minutes of video of operation.Then LISEN engineer will check and feedback if the operator uses the slat cleaner in a proper way.
  • Helpdesk: LISEN establish a dedicated helpdesk fortroubleshooting and operational queries.

Besides, to ensure that end users operatethe LISEN slat cleaner correctly, safely, and efficiently, LISEN also advise or implement

1. Regular maintenance and checks
Maintenance Schedule: make a clear maintenance schedule and instructions for routine checks, such as check if the screws which hold the cleaning tool loose, periodically add lubrication grease according to the user manual.

2, Feedback mechanism & Continuous improvement

  • Surveys and feedback forms: Collect user feedback toidentify common issues and areas for improvements.
  • Regular updates: Update the Manual and Training materials.

3. Emergency Support

  • Emergency procedures: Clearly outline what to do in case of malfunctions or emergencies.
  • 4/7 Support: offer round-the-clock support for emergency situations.

By following these steps, you can ensure that end users operate the LISEN slat cleaner correctly, safely, andefficiently.